By Shivam Garg ,  7 Sep, 2023

What is subsistence farming ?

A method where farmers primarily cultivate crops and rear livestock to meet the basic needs of their own households, rather than for commercial purposes

OTHER NAMES OF subsistence farming 

subsistence agriculture subsistence crop substantial farming sustenance farming


– Food security – Self-sufficiency – Environmental sustainability – Preservation of traditional knowledge


– Limited crop variety – Low productivity – Vulnerability to climate and weather – Lack of access to market


Types of Subsistence Farming

-- Shifting agriculture  --Sedentary farming --Nomadic herding  --Intensive subsistence farming

Challenges and Opportunities 

Facing Modernization Empowering Rural Communitie


Subsistence agriculture is done all over the world. Many communities experiencing poverty can find alleviation utilizing the methods of subsistence agriculture.

The Impact of Subsistence Farming on the Environment

Palm Leaf

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